Fundraising Spike

Well I guess here are the first signs of the election race post-South Carolina…

A source inside the Obama campaign says the candidate’s web site has seen one of its best hours tonight, raising $525,000 in one hour. A senior aide inside the Obama campaign said the candidate’s site saw its “highest peak” tonight in both online donations and traffic, “bigger than after Iowa, bigger than after New Hampshire.”

The Obama campaign measures online donations every 15 minutes, and the source said that online money was pouring in at the rate of more than $500,000 per hour. – Washington Post

Gotta wait and see until Super Duper Tuesday to see if it actually makes a difference.

Burnout Paradise

I picked up Burnout Paradise yesterday for XBox 360… I was a little disappointed that while playing locally, you can only do one player but it does support up to 8 players cooperatively. I am only an hour into game play but I like method where you can pick up challenges and races as you please. So far I would say maybe one or two wreckages seem a little questionable but that is to be expected, you can only hope it is limited. I will play more in these upcoming days and nights and maybe I will put up a revised review.

Advice: Avoid this if you want to play multiplayer local, quite a disappointment with the lack of that feature. Maybe it will not be that bad online, who knows?

A Reason To Believe?

After Barack Obama recorded the largest victory in this very early primary season in South Carolina, now is there a reason to believe in this race again? With a resounding 55% of the votes from nearly half a million Democratic voters from which there were around 75% support from African American voters but only 35% of non-African American voters. Now with two belts on completely different ends of the spectrum… Iowa – rather large White population to South Carolina with its large Black population.

Now there is a Florida primary next Tuesday which carries no delegates and outside of Hilary Clinton, no major Democratic candidate had even campaigned there. So expect a Clinton win there setting up a super heavyweight match up come Super Tuesday of monumental proportions.

Now the wait is on for February 5th, which is in a week and a half…

Word Press

So I am really considering switching over to Word Press. It has plenty more options and features to play with but certainly I lose the analysis and financial benefit from Google Analytics and Google AdSense (unless someone knows how to do that and wants to help me.)

I have temporarily set up a mirror blog available at ( for those of you who are interested and certainly, it is much more aesthetically appealing than this one but I am still deciding whether I should convert over. I really like the ability to play around with the layout and options to add Tag Clouds, Archive Calendars, view Recent Comments. The 3 Gigabytes of personal space always helps too for the long run as opposed to only 1 Gig here.

Nothing official, but I am SO CLOSE to converting over.

Summer Olympics 2008 – Pollution Style

So New York Times had an article yesterday about how athletes should be training themselves for the upcoming conditions in Beijing Olympics this August. The pollution is so bad there that the athletes are not sure how to train themselves and whether they should run in highway traffic or behind vehicles that are shooting exhaust into their lungs just to adjust themselves to the change in environment in China.

Should I run behind a bus and breathe in the exhaust? Should I train on the highway during rush hour? Is there any way to acclimate myself to pollution?

Mr. Wilber answers those questions with a steadfast, “No.”

“We have to be extremely careful and steer them in the right direction because the mind-set of the elite athlete is to do anything it takes to get that advantage,” he said. “If they thought locking themselves in the garage with the car running would help them win a gold medal, I’m sure they would do it. Our job, obviously, is to prevent that.”

Everyone sort of knows that athletes will pretty much try anything to try to get a competitive advantage and this is probably one of the most bizarre things you will see… but I guess it is this or shooting yourself up with HGH or something like that.