History at Belmont?

You can be certain no one really expected this out of Belmont today. Big Brown just didn’t seem like he wanted to run today. Stumbled a little bit out of the gates early and never really recovered. The jockey pulled up about half way through the race and just slowly took him around the track to finish up the race.

Just goes to show why winning the Triple Crown hasn’t been done in 30 years now and once again a horse wins the first two legs and fails to deliver in the 3rd.

Trainer Nick Zito who trained the horse that beat Smarty Jones in 2004, trained Da’Tara this year that ended up beating Big Brown.

Was it Big Brown’s jockey who tempted fate by pissing of the horse racing gods or was it just not meant to happen? It’s certainly something that will be discussed for days to come now.

Edit: For those that missed it, here is the Belmont Stakes from earlier today.


Microsoft Excel Anyone?

So I have been going Excel crazy recently by trying to compile stats, keep score and just record wins and losses over several seasons for teams. So I’m going to focus this for anyone who is some what resourceful with Excel and wants to help me out.

My dilemma is that I have a column that is counting the streak of the said team. For example, let’s say if the team wins 5 in a row, loses 2 in a row and then wins one… the column will say the following:

W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, L1, L2, W1

Now that is a relatively small scope of what i have. I have recorded data of over 130 games so far, and I am trying to figure out a way to automatically calculate what is the longest winning streak, losing streak, etc.

I can provide the Excel sheet if someone wants to give it a try. Any help or suggestions of further stats to determine from the given data would also be greatly appreciated. Just leave your email in the comments or contact me directly and I can send you the file.