Interested In Reading My Book?

As some of you may have heard, I am currently in the midst of writing a book on baseball and issues that are plauging the game today. I want to say I am just about half way through writing it, since I don’t expect the book to be very long about 100-125 pages. The chapters are going to cover various issues including steroids, the media and how the influence of money has taken over the game.

I already have one reader and I am currently looking for maybe 2 or 3 more people who are interested in critically reading what I have written and tearing it to shreds with corrections, suggestions and even ideas on what else to write. Let me know if you are interested, and I’ll arrange to send you a copy of what I have.

Plus, if you are quite handy with graphic design and would like to design a front and back cover for the book, let me know and I can give you the title and what I would like to see on the cover. I am sure any work done towards the book can be appropriately compensated if we agree to something.

Only If…

Not sure if many of you have gotten a chance to see this but this is one of the top links on <DIGG>. This has to be classified as one of the greatest videos you will ever see and will make you wish your work was like this.


Person 1: this would be my dream come true…

Person 2: I WANNA DO THIS!!

Person 3: I love the guy that’s got the tripoded chain gun

Help Firefox Set A Record!

EDIT: The official <link> to download it is now available.

EDIT: Official download time is 1 PM EST, 10 AM PST. The time is almost here, just a couple of hours to go.

Download Day 2008

Set a Guinness World Record
Enjoy a Better Web

Sounds like a good deal, right? All you have to do is get Firefox 3 during Download Day to help set the record for most software downloads in 24 hours – it’s that easy. We’re not asking you to swallow a sword or to balance 30 spoons on your face, although that would be kind of awesome.

The official date for the launch of Firefox 3 is June 17, 2008. Join our community and this effort by pledging today.

Company of Heroes

So you might have heard that I went to Sweden for a day while I was in Norway and one of the places I saw is that (see picture below) and immediately it reminded me of a map or scene from the game Company of Heroes. I can’t exactly pin point whether this was in online mode or campaign but I knew right away that I had seen it before.

Let me describe the scene a little bit. I am standing on the other side of a small bridge and on the far side there are plenty of buildings like the one you see in the background. I remember from the game that this is where one would place some machine gun to fire upon enemies coming from the other side. If you go further in (or up the street in between the buildings) the buildings start to disappear and there is more open space – usually where the tanks roll up in the game. I think this might be from the campaign mode because i remember on the other side of the bridge to the left, there might have been a mortar team that is firing on you as you progress.

If anyone has any idea of where this is from the game, comment here or contact me. This has been bothering me for about two weeks now.