I hope this reaches all of you in good health. This is part of an email I got earlier today from my cousin who is looking to help out a close friend. Any support you may be able to provide would certainly go a long way and hopefully will come back to you should you ever need it one day. To do my part, I will be donating 100% of my commercial revenue off this site for the remainder of the year.
Many of you might already know, one of my friends has been in the hospital for a while now and is very weak needing medical attention 24 hours. She was diagnosed with cancer when she was 17 but was holding through. Now she is in critical condition. She’s the oldest of 6 siblings, her youngest sister is three years old the others are all under 20 and it’s not easy for the family at all. Also, Her father passed away about two weeks ago from a brain tumor. You can imagine how hard it would be for the family. Best thing to do is make lots and lots of dua (prayers) for the family. We don’t know why things happen but Allah (swt) puts us through all types of tests and we are also tested from others hardships as well. We should support each other in times of need and make dua for her health and for the pain shes suffering from, dua for sabr and strength for her mom and family, dua for the patience for her family and friends. We don’t realize it but we take way too much for granted.
My request is for financial assistance. Anyone who is able to contribute would be greatly appreciated. They are in need of financial support as well as emotional support. They don’t have family here but everyone’s trying to help in any way they can. Her mother is not in a position to take on employment, having to take care of 5 kids at home and then her daughter at the hospital it’s becoming very hard.
This is a family going through very tough times and any support you may be able to provide will go a very long way. The button at the bottom of this post and on the sidebar have been specially tagged so all donations will be marked with HelpAFriend. 100% of these donations will go towards the cause and I hope you will join me in helping them out.