Clever McDonalds Marketing

I found this fascinating the other day. I got something in the mail which I ended up showing my my cousin over at Chill Yo Islam Yo. He wrote up a good piece on it and I’ll quote a little below with the picture of the mailing:

When I met Shaykh Hamza Yusuf at the ISNA convention this year, I told him maybe if McDonald’s and Burger King started serving Halal across the states, more Muslims would start eating it, more halal means less haraam. He said “it’s good it’s not halal, it’s bad for your health anyways, you shouldn’t be eating it regardless”., Chill Yo Islam Yo, Jul 2009

You should read the whole article.

“Taste zyada, price kum” means ” More tasteful, less pricey”

Blog Action Day 2008

Just got this from my cousin over at Chill Yo, Islam Yo about “Blog Action Day” .

Blog Action Day is an annual nonprofit event that aims to unite the world’s bloggers, podcasters and videocasters, to post about the same issue on the same day. Our aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion.

  • Almost half the world — over 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day.
  • The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the 41 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (567 million people) is less than the wealth of the world’s 7 richest people combined.
  • Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.
  • Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.
  • 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day).

Presidential Message, Ramadan 2008

Got this from Saad at “Chill Yo, Islam Yo” who put it up this morning. A great blog for any Muslims out there or just in general if someone wants to learn more about Islam. Seems quite similar to the “greeting” sent out last year but I guess that is to be expected. Honestly, I didn’t think there was a message sent out annually but I guess you could at least say that he is trying publicly even when 99.9% of the people will see for what this really is – a publicity stunt and not that he ever cared.

Here is Saad’s post by the way:


I don’t really blog about news, but this was quite interesting.

Here is a letter from the President of the United States aka George Bush, to all the Muslims around the World. Taken from the official website.

Presidential Message, Ramadan 2008

I send greetings to Muslims observing Ramadan in America and around the globe.

The holy month of Ramadan is a special time of prayer, fasting, and service. For Muslims, these days commemorate the revelation of God’s word to the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) in the form of the Qur’an.

I thank the men and women of the Muslim community for their contributions to America. Your love of family, and gratitude to God have strengthened the moral fabric of our country. Our Nation is stronger and more hopeful because of the generosity, talents, and compassion of our Muslim citizens.

Laura and I send our best wishes. Ramadan Mubarak.


May Allah (SWT) swt guide the people and the leaders of this country, Ameen!