Amazon Smile: Donate to Charity for Free

I started using AmazonSmile about a month ago and thought I would share it with you. It is a pretty easy and free way to support any charity of your choice when you shop with Amazon. I currently support the Muslim Center of Middlesex County (MCMC) but you’re able to pick any registered charitable organization and have Amazon donate 0.5% of your purchase price to them.
The only thing you have to do is make the purchase through instead. The website will look exactly the same, with the same products and prices but a portion of your order will now be donated to charity instead.
A screenshot of the age is here:
amazon smile pic

Please Help A Friend In Need

I hope this reaches all of you in good health. This is part of an email I got earlier today from my cousin who is looking to help out a close friend. Any support you may be able to provide would certainly go a long way and hopefully will come back to you should you ever need it one day. To do my part, I will be donating 100% of my commercial revenue off this site for the remainder of the year.

Many of you might already know, one of my friends has been in the hospital for a while now and is very weak needing medical attention 24 hours. She was diagnosed with cancer when she was 17 but was holding through. Now she is in critical condition. She’s the oldest of 6 siblings, her youngest sister is three years old the others are all under 20 and it’s not easy for the family at all. Also, Her father passed away about two weeks ago from a brain tumor. You can imagine how hard it would be for the family. Best thing to do is make lots and lots of dua (prayers) for the family. We don’t know why things happen but Allah (swt) puts us through all types of tests and we are also tested from others hardships as well. We should support each other in times of need and make dua for her health and for the pain shes suffering from, dua for sabr and strength for her mom and family, dua for the patience for her family and friends. We don’t realize it but we take way too much for granted.

My request is for financial assistance. Anyone who is able to contribute would be greatly appreciated. They are in need of financial support as well as emotional support. They don’t have family here but everyone’s trying to help in any way they can. Her mother is not in a position to take on employment, having to take care of 5 kids at home and then her daughter at the hospital it’s becoming very hard.

This is a family going through very tough times and any support you may be able to provide will go a very long way. The button at the bottom of this post and on the sidebar have been specially tagged so all donations will be marked with HelpAFriend. 100% of these donations will go towards the cause and I hope you will join me in helping them out.

Blood Donation

I donated blood today for the first time in a few years and the process this time seemed to be much faster and definitely less painful with the needle poking. I went in well prepared with a meal before hand and no liquids immediately prior to the donation. I found out today that one can donate blood every 56 days and although that seems rather frequent in everyone’s busy schedule, I will definitely try to go at least once a year.

No one needs a special reason to give blood. Some of us give blood because we were asked by a friend, others because they know that a family member or a friend might need blood some day and some just believe it is the right thing to do. Whatever your reason, the need is constant and your contribution is important for a healthy and reliable blood supply.  And  you’ll feel good knowing you’ve helped change a life.

Some health benefits that you receive from donating are you actually get a mini physical while you’re there as they check your pulse, blood pressure, body temperature and hemoglobin.

In terms of preparation of what to bring when donating, you should have a meal and something to drink. In terms of documentations, bring a donor card if you have it and driver’s license or some other form of government issued ID. Also they ask about where you have traveled recently and what types of medication you may be taking so a list of those are always useful.

Blood Donors Must:

  • Be healthy*
  • Be at least 17 years old in most states, or 16 years old with parental consent if allowed by state law
  • Weigh at least 110 lbs.
  • Additional weight requirements apply for donors 18 years old and younger and all high school donors.

* Note: Healthy means that you feel well and can perform normal activities. If you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, healthy also means that you are being treated and the condition is under control.

So head over to your local American Red Cross ( and donate today!

Grassroot Soccer United

(Click Banner To Donate)

This past weekend I had the pleasure of conducting two great interviews on the air as I was doing a broadcast of Women’s Field Hockey and Men’s Soccer for Stevens’ Athletics. The first interview was of Stevens’ President Hal Raveché who routinely attends games and found a few minutes to talk to us about homecoming weekend and what he thought of the festivities that have occurred over the past few weeks in Empire 8.

The second interview which turned out to be much more intriguing as former D-III soccer player and Survivor: Africa winner, Ethan Zohn, was in attendance to promote Grassroot Soccer United (GSRU), his foundation which is a youth led movement to end HIV/AIDS in Africa. It all started when he was selected to compete in Survivor the reality television show which he ended up winning and earning $1 Million. Upon winning the large sum of money, he decided to use the funds to start this foundation.

Just a little more information on Ethan Zohn: On August 20, 2008 he began his 500-mile Dribble Campaign. Dribbling a soccer ball out of the New England Revolution game in Foxboro, Massachusetts, Ethan Zohn will continue his journey down the East Coast with a ball at his feet the entire way. His trip will take him through New York City, Philadelphia and other stops and exciting events all the way to Washington, D.C.

If anyone wants to help and donate, feel free to donate here.

Also, please to visit GRSU’s website to find out more about his cause, track his daily progress on his journey from Boston to the nation’s capital and much more.

Additional Links:

Join the cause on Facebook
Grassroot Soccer United (Official Site)

See Obama At Convetion With $5 Donation

Obama has recently decided to accept his nomination at Mile High Stadium where the seating capacity is at 75,000 people instead of the 20 or 30 thousand in the convention center. It has also been opened up to the public to get a chance to view history with the first African American accepting the nominatin for one of the two major political parties in the United States.

If you make a donation of $5 or more between now and midnight on July 31st, you could be one of 10 supporters chosen to fly to Denver and spend two days and nights at the convention, meet Barack backstage, and watch his acceptance speech in person. Each of the ten supporters who are selected will be able to bring one guest to join them.

I just sent in my donation and you wanna try to see him in Denver, you can click on the picture below to donate. It’s only $5 and I’m sure it is well worth it if it means we don’t have a 3rd term of McBush.

Obama Donate