Powerful Lesson Learned

I just read this comment on a thread on Reddit and it does deliver a power lesson albeit in a rather disturbing way. Take a quick look and read the following quoted section and let me know what you think.

Junior high was OK for me. As a good student, yearbook staff member, and band nerd, I was well liked by the faculty and minimally harassed by fellow students. Skip to social studies with Mr. R. He started class one day by explaining to us that he had gone over test scores, homework, etc. and determined why our class average was so low. Quietly and determinedly, he announced that I and another boy were to blame… for everything. Then he calmly explained to the class why we were so stupid. I was so shocked. I remember staring down at my desk and crying silently while he proceeded to humiliate me and the other boy in front of the entire class. Then he told me to pick up my desk and move it to the back of the room, facing the wall. He barked at me again to move it when I squeaked out, “seriously?” So the other boy and I silently moved our desks to the back. The harassment continued. The other boy was crying, and I think I was near passing out from embarrassment and confusion – I had aced our last test. The class was incredibly quiet. My friends gave me pity looks or avoided eye contact, and one girl actually started to laugh out loud at me. We sat like that for half the class. Then Mr. R stopped his lecture and asked why nobody had stood up for us. When he got no reply, he said, “Well, this is what Hitler essentially did to the Jews. And none of you said anything to stop me from humiliating your classmates. Interesting.” My student/teacher relationship with Mr. R never fully recovered, even after he apologized.

It can be argued that the two isolated students should have known beforehand but I think it definitely delivered a more powerful because neither the two students or the rest of the class was aware of what was going on. However, depending on the students you should, and you leave that judgment with the teacher, it can certainly have unintended consequences from an otherwise very excellent example.

Source: Reddit

Now Craig Ferguson Is Angry At McCain

Just a hunch but I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well for McCain if keeps his stance on suspending his presidential campaign. Video is after the break but look at these strong words by Craig Ferguson. McCain camp is getting either really desperate and attempting a cheap publicity stunt that they think will win them points or they just really dropped the ball on this one.

“You can’t suspend the democratic process because we’re facing problems. At what point do you think, maybe we should suspend the election? We’ll have the elections later. Some people have done that before: Castro did it, Napoleon did it, Julius Caesar did it. You can’t do that. If you like it or not, the campaign is part of the democratic process….You wanna take your time off, that’s fine, but you don’t say we’re suspending the campaign. You can’t say that. It’s the democratic process. We didn’t suspend it for 9/11, we didn’t suspend it for Pearl Harbor, we didn’t suspend it for the Nazis, we didn’t suspend it for the damn British. We don’t do that in America!”

Is CNN Saying Palin Is A Nazi?

Well CNN certainly has some bright people to work for them… and this is the best photo they could come up with for their front page?

She did give one heck of a speech last night… a bunch of empty rhetoric but that’s all she needed to do. Get through the night without any major mistakes which she did although if you are a conservative you have to be a little worried about her attacking the media and bringing her children into the spotlight. They are already digging up details on her past and now she has them pissed.

Also with her children… it’s okay to talk about her son since he’s going to fight in Iraq but her daughter who is having a baby is completely off-limits. Here is news for you: if one is fair game, everyone is fair game.