Random Incident

It’s weird how my pipeline (Stevens) email address information was randomly reset this morning. I woke up to my Outlook telling me that my log in credentials were incorrect… go figure. I am a little paranoid about my passwords and as I was telling one my friends yesterday or the day before that I take quite a lot of pride in what I set it as and not only that but I really really like what I set as my password… my friend proceeded to call me weird and stopped talking.

Anyways since it did reset this morning, I went online to search and see what several sites give as recommendations when generating or selecting a new password. Here’s what I found.

Avoid using a word: It is not recommended to use words straight out of the English dictionary since those are more easily guessable
Characters and Casing: Use a combination of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and standard symbols (! @ # $ % ^ & *) when trying to decide on a new password.
Common Mistakes: Don’t use personal information that someone could easily figure out. Avoid using your birthdays, bank account pin numbers, a phone number or even your pet’s name
Multiple Passwords: Have multiple sets of passwords. A relatively easy password that you can use for common use like newspaper registration or deal sites force you to register – primarily where you don’t really care if someone does end up finding out what it is. A harder password for your more private information like email accounts and maybe a login with a financial institution.

Not sure why I wrote an entire post on passwords but anyways, you’re probably just better off not telling anyone to avoid any hassle down the road.


For you chess fans out there, I thought I would share an ending to a game I played yesterday with Krishna. The game went back and forth where I had asserted control at the beginning of the game and he made a comeback (one that I had very little faith in) but he wasted just a little too much time. As you can see from the picture below, he is one move away from winning when the game gets called off. Enjoy.
