Another day, another addition. Today welcomes the addition of the AngryBrownGuy Shop. So far the only items listed on there are books, but eventually I will add video games, electronics and anything else I wish to sell. I ran across a template from PHP Shopping Cart and it was pretty good. There offered a very good and customizable set of scripts that I set up my shop with. Also if there is anything you wish to sell, I will gladly put on here for you free of charge. Just provide me with an item name, condition, and list price. On a real update now, I will have my NCAA March Madness bracket up soon as well as my MLB season predictions by the end of the week. Well before Thursday for the March Madness so I guess that will be either tomorrow and Tuesday and maybe the baseball stuff I pump out by the weekend. By the way, if anyone is interested, this is the link to PHP Shopping Cart Software.