Careless Witsel Tackle – Broken Leg Video

Watch both of these videos at your discrection… definitely not for the ones with a weak stomach. Got this video from my friend over at Matchday Live! who very easily compared this to “Eduardo-esque” referring to the video here: Eduardo Broken Leg video — WARNING: GRAPHIC.

This current one though is all Axel Witsel’s doing. Just a complete wreckless tackle and you just have to wonder what he was thinking going into a play like that. You hate to say it but you almost deserve a broken leg after a bone-headed play like that.

Did This Really Happen?

As DeadSpin brilliantly put it, “This is easily one of the most amazing sports videos you’ll ever see. Inexplicably, a ref felt that the LSU Tigers weren’t playing tough enough defense against South Carolina last night, and he decided to do something about it.”

I have never seen anything like this happen before… well never anything so blunt.