Not sure if any of you have gotten around to see the XKCD comic from today but it’s pretty awesome like usual.
XKCD: Too Old For This
XKCD as usual puts out another great comic today.
Updated: Fruit Chart
Slightly different than the one I posted a week or two ago. Noticeable changes include pomegranates and pineapples are much higher for me taste wise while peaches, plums, blueberries and cherries take a big dip. Strawberries, grapes and green apples certainly are quite favorable as not only do they taste good but are not very difficult.
Want to make your own Fruit Graph? Visit Here. I am not sure if the comments let you submit pictures or what not but feel free to share your graphs.
Fruit Chart
Pretty funny XKCD comic today… where would you rate these fruits?
EDIT: An updated regarding the fruit graph was recently posted.