Sensational NASCAR Crash

I have always been a fan of car racing and for the longest time it had only been Formula 1 Racing or Indy Cart but as much as it may shock you to hear it, in the past few years or so I have developed a liking for NASCAR that was brought on to me from a close friend. Certainly I had the mentality of what’s to like about a sport where cars just run around in circles and that is exactly what it looks like unless you actually sit down and watch a race.

Anyways, I was watching some highlights earlier and ran across this clip of Michael McDowell’s crash during Friday’s qualifying session.

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Warning to A-Rod…

Here is one of those stories that even if you tried to make up you couldn’t get it as good.

A 13 year old girl taking a tour of Fenway Park earlier today was attacked by a hawk which drew blood from the top of her head. That’s a sad story regardless of who it happens to but intriguing sports part of this story comes out that this girl’s name was A-Rod… Alexa Rodriguez. Seriously, what the odds of a girl named that gets attacked in Boston’s baseball stadium known for its disdain towards the Yankee Slugger. Hopefully the stadium treats Alex Rodriguez just as nicely when he comes to visit a couple of times in the 19 times that the two teams play each other this season.

It’s good news to hear that girl from Memorial Boulevard Middle School in Bristol, Connecticut is doing alright and hopefully the Red Sox nation doesn’t lose one of their members to the dark side due to this. Get well soon young Alexa!

Hawk Attacks 13 Year Old At Fenway

(picture from The Boston Globe)

Politics. With a Sense of Humor.

So I had taken a little break from blogging because of this Actuary test but the moment I saw this, I knew I had to take a break right now and blog this. While watching The Daily Show, they showed an Obama clip when he was on with Chris Matthews on his College Tour or something like that. Matthews asks Obama if anytime in this campaign if something happened that he went to bed laughing about it.

Listen to Obama’s answer… Priceless.


The level of news that we get from Cable News is a laughing matter in itself and it does get joked about all the time. The look on Matthews face when he got that response was as unscripted of a look as you’ll ever get from him. But in all honesty, unless the news starts focusing on the actual issues like the failing economy or and not on silly issues like “How Card Counting is Good for Vegas” or how McCain’s wife’s Beer Money is helping his campaign. Can we for once just hear a little bit about what these candidates want to do regarding our failing education system that is leaving so many children behind? or a little news coverage on why McCain said that we would do nothing with the economy and it is bound to recover on its own?

Yes, I like him for his policies and vows for not taking any money from lobbyists but I’m also not naive to know that politicians will be politicians. Anyways, it’s always good to have a sense of humor to go along with all the policy talk and 3 AM phone calls. As for the sense of humor from Sen. Clinton and McCain… they are probably better off not having any.

On a side note… G2, Gatorade Tiger and NHL 08 for XBox 360 are definately the way to go. Anyways, enough of this for now. Back to Oreos and Random Variable Probabilities for me.