Soccer MixTape

I had mentioned almost a month ago to the day about Nick ‘Niko’ Gkionis who has been playing professional soccer over in Cyrpus and showed a teaser of his soccer mixtape that was due for release. It finally got released today and it is some pretty good stuff. I have the video below and if you want a direct link, click here.


Trip to DC

Edit: The picture are now available at

So we got into the hotel Friday night after a not so bad drive filled with a small portion of rain where the visibility was probably negative at a point. We got here around midnight last night and didn’t do much except lounge around the room. This morning I did not see us getting up at 9 am but somehow we did and were out an hour or so later. We got to Washington DC about 11 and surprising could not find a single Dunkin Donuts here in Maryland or in DC. Go figure, we must have searched for anywhere from half an hour to an hour along our route. On the other hand, we did find a Bank of America ATM machine that lets us withdraw money in multiples of $10. I have never seen that anywhere!

We missed a majority of the Cherry Blossom Festival by the time we got there but the caught the ending starting with a Garfield float followed by some Sesame Street characters… about how that is related to Japanese culture and Cherry Blossoms… don’t ask me. That was followed with several hours of Japanese Street Festival. That went much better than I had orginally thought. There were lots of people dressed up in traditional Japanese attire and there were certainly plenty were dressed just ridiculously. There were plenty of good things to see from the various flowers and plants from Japan to several sculptures that people were carving of animals to people hosting mini demonstrations of martial arts or showing off their creativity.

Continue reading “Trip to DC”

Weekend Forecast

I’m gonna head down to Washington DC for the weekend with a couple of roommates and a friend, hopefully the weather cooperates (like the 70 degrees today for the entire weekend would be nice). We’ll see how that goes. Anyways, so much going on in the world of sports. NHL Playoffs started yesterday, Masters Tournament started today and Yankees/Red Sox weekend series starts tomorrow night. Another hurdle towards the consecutive games streak comes into play tomorrow as I may be on the road during the game but I can always resort that radio although I would like the use that a little as possible.

NHL Playoffs started yesterday and from what I remember correctly my friend Rusty from High School was at the Devils/Rangers game handing out towels and whatnot to the fans in attendance. I haven’t talked to him since the game but I probably will tonight to ask him how it went. I’m sure he would have preferred a Devils victory but it’s only game 1. The Pens on the other hand looked pretty good, albeit it was against the shorthanded Senators who have really been short handed with a string of injuries and especially after their 15-2 start to the season this year. There have been rumors about the Penguins tanking their last game of the season so they secured a series with Ottawa instead of the Flyers and who knows to the truth about that statement but the Senators are really over-matched in this series.

I know some games have already been played but here are my predictions anyways. Continue reading “Weekend Forecast”

Streak in Jeopardy?

So I am currently sitting in my apartment looking at a boxed up television that is packed and ready to be shipped to the Sullivan residence. The package puts a local blackout in effect for any Yankee, Mets and possibly Phillies games so this afternoon’s Yankee game in Kansas City is not looking too promising. So far I am 7 for 7 in the games played this season with the Yankees going 4-3 in that stretch. Royals starting the season well with a 3 game sweet of the Tigers… hopefully they can pull off the same stuff against the Yanks.

I have several scenarios lying on the table right now. I could transport the new TV that is coming into the apartment but that requires carrying an 80 pound set down a block from CPA and then up 5 flights of stairs. Another option is finding some broadcast somewhere to catch an inning or so and the rest on the radio. The last option is to go out somewhere to catch the game and keep my streak alive.

I wonder, does listening to the entire game on the radio qualify as keeping the streak intact? What do you think?

Any other suggestions?

So far it has been an even split on people suggesting listening to the game on the radio counts just as much as watching it on TV while others saying either its just not the same to my initial goal was to “watch” the games.

Adding Fuel To The Fire

So here I am talking about fascination with the lovely New York Yankees yet again. My brother has a account which is an awesome feature offered by Major League Baseball that allows you to watch all the games (not in your local market) online. Granted you have to pay a chunky amount of money for the subscription, for any enthusiastic baseball fan (of more than just one team), it is really worth the money. It really is.

So I am 5 games into the season for both the New York Yankees and the Toronto Blue Jays and here is where I stand.

Games Watched: New York Yankees (5) and Toronto Blue Jays (4)
Games Watched means I caught a portion of the game that given night.

Here is my goal for the season. Just because I live in the tri-state area and it is more convenient for me to watch the Yankees, I plan to catch at least an inning (or more) of all 162 (plus postseason if they make it) games. So far I have caught 3 full games and 2 partial games but I am 5/5. For the Blue Jays, I caught all 3 games versus the Yankees but only 1 of 2 so far against the Red Sox. As for the Jays since I will have to catch most of their games online, I am hopeful to watch at least 81 games (half the season).

Continue reading “Adding Fuel To The Fire”