Quick Election Thoughts

Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin should be interesting as history gets made either way with an African American President or first ever female Vice President. It should be an exciting sprint to the finish although I am quite surprised with the pick of a Governor from Alaska. She is younger than Barack Obama and has one year of being Governor on her belt – how are they going to attack Obama on experience and age now? Anyways, I’ll go more into this as the debates approach or maybe a little bit during the Republican National Convention.

If you want some good video footage, head over to The World According To Me by Ayaz and From My Perspective by Summaiyah, she’s got some good quotes from the speeches if you want to take a quick glance. Ayaz put up good videos from all four nights, some real good stuff over there.

If there is one speech you want to watch and want to see a relative new face… then watch the Governor of Montana Brian Schweitzer – who gave a very good speech. I had never heard of him before but he certainly brought the crowd to their feet.

Here’s a tidbit on McCain/Palin:

Year Alaska was admitted into the Union: 1959
Year John McCain was born: 1936

Hence, John McCain is about 22-23 years older than the state of Alaska.

McCain Attack Ad Too Sleazy For Even Fox News?

The McCain Dungeons & Dragons gang fails its saving throw:

Group to spend $2.8 million on anti-Obama ad

By JIM KUHNHENN – 32 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — A conservative nonprofit group with a past link to Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign wants to spend $2.8 million on an ad questioning Democrat Barack Obama’s relationship to a founder of the 1960s radical group Weather Underground.

The ad, which is expected to begin airing Thursday in Michigan and Friday in Ohio, focuses on William Ayers, whose Weatherman organization took credit for a series of bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol four decades ago.

The ad was supposed to be the response to McCain getting his ass whipped over weaseling out of answering questions about his four seven eight twelve houses by pretending not to know how many he had. (A-duh. That’s so much less elitist!)

But, uh… didn’t work.

Organizers sought to air the ad on Fox News Channel, but a Fox spokesman said the network declined to run it.

Too sleazy for Fox. Hilarious!

How dare they suggest, ummm… something, something, P.O.W., blah-blah! Grr!

(image credit: tbctbc)

America, welcome to “P.O.W. Fatigue.”

[Source: Daily Kos – McCain response continues to be The Suck]

Racism? Satire? Appropriate?

It seems like the two issues full of satire but certainly can be taken as offensive material.

The misconception about Obama being a Muslim has certainly been fueled by the Right and their constant allegations as the cover on the left shows. You can also notice the potrait that is hanging as well as the burning flag in the fireplace. It certainly doesn’t sit well with the Obama campaign but The New Yorker argues that it is only designed to show the numerous misconceptions that still exist about Obama.

Vanity Fair followed up the satire with one of their own on McCain. It shows an old man with a portrait of his supposed idol in George W. Bush as well as his burning the Constitution in the fire place.

Obama Camp can cry foul all they want about the this satire but they have to take it for what it is – a SATIRE. They need to start doing a better job to fight the smears or misconceptions that the public may arrogantly still believe. For McCain, I am certain he is getting tired of the age jokes and this certainly highlights that. Also, he can argue that is not burning the Constitution by any means but if he was going to stand by and allow the “satire” from The New Yorker Magazine, he must also accept the favor from Vanity Fair.

Personally I think it should be allowed to show because whether you like it or not, they (being The New Yorker or Vanity Fair or any Dutch Newspaper for argument’s sake) has the right to publish what they want. I might not agree with what you have to say but I will sure argue the heck of it to make sure you have the right to say it because the moment you start limiting free speech because of it being deemed insensitive material, you start heading down a slippery slope that does not bode well for the rest of the society.

So all this humor? Tasteless material? Does it belong in the age of politics right now that is constantly fueled by misinformation or are we the public becoming too touchy where anything that remotely touches a nerve is quickly shot down.

McCain’s Shows Off Foreign Policy Experience

Yep the very same John McCain whose campaign is based on his long-time foreign policy experience (still really looking for substantial evidence on that one), told ABC that’s he very worried about the Iraq/Pakistan border. As scary as he may try to play that situation, there is one problem with that state… there isn’t one. There is no border between Pakistan and Iraq. A small, rarely mentioned country is located between the two nations by the name of Iran. I am certain you can certainly understand how he did not know where such a small country was since it is of little importance when regarding foreign policy or issues with Middle East.

I can probably let him slide on the issue of not being able to use the internet efficiently as the previous generation wasn’t as computer illiterate as the upcoming one. I can probably let him slide for mis-speaking a country’s name twice in as many days because countries that are not in the news now but once were when he was growing up could be engraved in his head as existing now. However, I cannot let an issue that has been pretty much in the news for the past 3-4 years slide just as easily.

Here is the excerpt:

And it was McCain who owns the first big gaffe of the trip — appearing to confuse Iraq and Afghanistan.

Asked by ABC’s Diane Sawyer Monday morning whether the “the situation in Afghanistan in precarious and urgent,” McCain responded: “I think it’s serious. . . . It’s a serious situation, but there’s a lot of things we need to do. We have a lot of work to do and I’m afraid it’s a very hard struggle, particularly given the situation on the Iraq/Pakistan border,” said McCain, R-Ariz., said on “Good Morning America.”

Iraq and Pakistan do not share a border. Afghanistan and Pakistan do.

As AmericaBlog posted earlier,

Pretty basic stuff. Pretty big mistake for John McCain.

If McCain knew how to use the internet, he could do “a google” and find National Geographic